Alberto Barbari joins Eatable Adventures as Programme Director, driving foodtech innovation and growth

Eatable Adventures, one of the world’s leading agrifood accelerators,  – the Foodtech Accelerator of the National Network of CDP Venture Capital SGR. Foodseed is a pioneering program aimed at promoting innovation and excellence in the Italian agrifood industry. The program counts on the support of renowned partners and co-investors such as Fondazione Cariverona, UniCredit, and Eatable Adventures, as well as corporate partners including Amadori, Cattolica Assicurazioni, Axxelera, Veronafiere, and scientific partner the University of Verona.


Barbari, a seasoned Open Innovation expert, will collaborate with Riccardo Fisogni, the Vice President and General Manager of Eatable Adventures Italia. Together, they will undertake a strategic search for the most innovative startups operating in the FoodTech and AgriTech sectors, capable of addressing the evolving needs of the Italian food supply chain.

Alberto Barbari holds a degree in Management Engineering and a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering of the Food Industry. He has gained extensive experience in the FMCG sector, particularly in product development, Design Thinking, and Open Innovation. As the newly appointed Program Director of the Foodseed Accelerator, Barbari will leverage his wealth of expertise to drive the Italian project forward. Over the next three years, Foodseed will actively seek out the most innovative startups operating in the FoodTech and AgriTech industries, with the ultimate goal of creating new business models and fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem that promotes sustainability, technology, and ethics. All of these elements will work in synergy to drive the growth and development of the food supply chain.


With 5 years of experience in the Barilla Group, specifically in the Innovation division, Barbari has gained valuable expertise in Open Innovation. He has collaborated on projects that have revolutionized the food industry, anticipating the benefits that a smart utilization of technology can bring to the agri-food system of the future. His experience at the Italian multinational has sharpened his ability to identify forward-thinking and innovative initiatives within Barilla’s Global Innovation Platform Unit. This has been achieved by exploring, implementing, and testing cutting-edge technologies, disruptive business models, and new food products and services.


As the Program Director of Foodseed, Alberto Barbari will oversee all aspects of the acceleration program, from designing and managing the training curriculum to planning the roadmap for participating startups, including recruitment, selection, evaluation, and investment roadshows. He will also be responsible for identifying mentors and ensuring that the program provides maximum benefits to the startups.

“I am delighted to be in my new position at Eatable Adventures. Having worked with the Italian food industry for a long time, I am aware of the challenges and potential of this sector. I look forward to discovering the new projects that will be part of Foodseed and guiding them towards a path where innovation complements the tradition of Made in Italy. In the years to come, the Italian supply chain will undergo significant changes, and the ethical use of technology will play a crucial role in the production and sales process. Despite these challenges, Italy is ready to make a comeback on the international stage, reaffirming its excellence in food and wine. The synergy between technology and sustainability will inject new energy into our country’s entrepreneurial ecosystem,” commented Alberto.


Barbari’s arrival is just one of many steps that the Accelerator has taken in its expansion, resulting in a 25% increase in staff in recent months to support growth both nationally and internationally. The Accelerator’s commitment to this expansion has been further strengthened by the recent addition of Julia Espeso as Ecosystem Director, who brings significant experience from Harvard University’s ‘Food&Science’ research group. The Accelerator has also opened new offices in Verona, Barcelona, and Bilbao in recent months, demonstrating its dedication to promoting the adoption of new technologies in the food sector. Offering 40 annual programs to companies and governments in Europe and Latin America, as well as 10 acceleration and incubation programs and an extensive network of over 25,000 entrepreneurs, the Accelerator continues to expand its reach and impact.