8 AI-Startups Cooking up the Future – You won’t believe what’s new!

AI’s role revolutionizing food production, a spotlight on leading startups

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined as the use of computer programs that possess qualities of the human mind, such as the ability to understand language, recognize pictures, and learn from experience. In 2022, investments in Artificial Intelligence startups worldwide reached $62.9 billion. At the forefront is the United States, where startups secured over half of this global funding, totaling $34 billion. But how does this relate to the agrifood sector? AI enables informed decision-making in agriculture, optimizes resource use, and improves crop yield predictions. It revolutionizes food formulation, enhances personalized nutrition, improves operational efficiency, and meets consumer demands through personalized products and enhanced data analysis.

According to MarketsandMarkets, the global Artificial Intelligence in agriculture market size is expected to grow from USD 1.9 billion in 2022 to USD 13.9 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 36.5% during the forecast period. This indicates a growing interest and investment in the use of AI in the agriculture and food industries. Julia Espeso, Ecosystem Director at Eatable Adventures, notes, “AI is transforming the agrifood sector, reshaping the entire food supply chain from farm to table, and enabling more sustainable and efficient food production.

Artificial Intelligence startups revolutionizing the food industry

The following startups are leading the way in using AI to transform how food is produced and handled. Rapid technological advancements in AI have opened up a world of possibilities in the food industry, from creating delicious and sustainable food options to reducing waste and increasing efficiency. 

NotCo - Artificial Intelligence startup


NotCo 🇨🇱 is using AI to create plant-based alternatives that taste like the real thing. They have developed an AI algorithm, “Giuseppe,” that analyzes thousands of plant-based ingredients and to make  perfect replicas of animal-based products. NotCo uses Giuseppe to develop delicious plant-based alternatives to milk, mayo, and even ice cream.

agrodatAi - artificial intelligence startup


AgrodatAl 🇨🇴 offers comprehensive technological solutions for people in agricultural chains to foster commercial and service relationships. Additionally, it facilitates decision-making for producers through information and knowledge, enabling them to refine their competencies in managing their productive, commercial, and financial activities.

The Live Green Co

The Live Green Co

The Live Green Co 🇺🇸 is cleaning up food labels by using precision fermentation with AI-powered technology to create more sustainable and eco-friendly fermented food products. They created the “Charaka” platform to identifying plant-based alternatives to animal-based, synthetic, and highly processed ingredients and have launched a precision fermentation division.


Proppos 🇪🇸, employs AI to specialize in food recognition using edge AI to offer the fastest product identification without connectivity delays. This cutting-edge technology provides AI checkout solutions for the Foodservice and Retail industries, including grab-and-go stores, self-service restaurants, and bakeries. Their mission is to transform the checkout experience through accurate, autonomous, and affordable computer vision solutions.

MOA - artificial intelligence startup


MOA Foodtech 🇪🇸 combines biotechnology and artificial intelligence to transform waste and by-products of the agri-food industry into a ”next-generation protein ” with high nutritional value and 100% sustainability. They are changing the food production industry by producing with minimal use of energy, water, and land. Through fermentation and its microorganisms, MOA transforms these residues into a state-of-the-art high-value protein ingredient, noted for its high nutritional profile, digestibility, and versatility.


Ajinomatrix 🇮🇱 developed sensory software with Artificial Intelligence that digitally measures taste and smell to obtain get easy-to-interpret data and for making fast, accurate decisions. Ajinomatrix software suite is designed to do the heavy lifting for the food industry, ensuring accurate data, every single time.


Trigo 🇮🇱aims to revolutionize the grocery shopping experience by accelerating  the digitization of store spaces. Using AI, they designed and implemented infrastructure that makes shopping and store operations more efficient and seamless for leading retailers worldwide.. Their system is highly sought after by top retailers looking to improve the customer experience and streamline their operations.

Impossible Foods 

Impossible Foods 🇺🇸 uses AI algorithms to create sustainable, plant-based meat alternatives that mimic the taste and texture of real meat. Their AI algorithm, named “Gusto,” is able to analyze data on flavor, texture, and nutrition to create the ideal plant-based meat alternative. Additionally, they use AI to optimize the production process and improve the sustainability and efficiency of their products. Impossible Foods also uses AI to research and develop new ingredients to create new plant-based meat alternatives that taste and feel like meat. 

Zoe Foods

Zoe Foods 🇺🇸 uses AI technology to enhance its range of healthy and organic food products. Their AI system, known as “NutriSmart”, analyzes consumer data to develop nutritious and delicious recipes tailored to current market trends. NutriSmart evaluates ingredients based on flavor, texture, and nutritional value to create optimal product formulations. Additionally, Zoe Foods leverages AI to streamline its supply chain, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency. The company algo employs AI to explore and develop innovative new products that meet the highest standards of taste and health.


What ‘s next?

The integration of Artificial Intelligence in the food industry is rapidly growing as more companies and investors recognize its potential to revolutionize food production and consumption. These eight innovative startups are at the forefront of this movement. AI is a powerful tool transforming the agrifood industry offering a unique opportunity to address the challenges of resource scarcity and population growth, ensuring a more sustainable and promising future for the food system.