Mahou San Miguel is a family beverage company, 100% Spanish, and a leader in the beer industry of our country. It produces 70% of Spanish beer that is consumed outside of Spain and is present in more than 70 countries. In 2022 it launched BarLab Ventures, its open innovation platform for entrepreneurial projects that boost the Food and Beverage sector.

Open Innovation Challenge launch: Rethink your Drink

Within the framework of its open innovation platform, the company launched in July 2022, in partnership with Eatable Adventures, “Rethink your Drink”, its first open innovation challenge to find answers to the great challenges of the sector. The call was open to startups from all over the world that have a differential, sustainable and innovative proposal and that generate a transformative and sustainable impact in the traditional beverage industry.

The results

More than 100 startups sign up, among which a first shortlist has already been selected. Mahou San Miguel will offer the opportunity to develop a product test with its team of experts to accelerate the success of the winning proposals. In addition, the brewery will make available to the startups its distribution network, support in managing their territorial licenses, as well as in the field of financing, among other services.

“We are convinced that thanks to this project we can share a common perspective with entrepreneurs to make bars, restaurants, distributors and the rest of our value chain strengthen their collaboration to generate wealth based on aspects as excellence, innovation, and sustainability”Miguel Ángel Miguel, general director of Transformation of Mahou San Miguel.


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